Shader API reference¶
All the different parts to creating a shader
Shader on a shape¶
- Create a box entity and change the shape to whatever you like
- Scroll down and update the user data json accordingly
"ProceduralEntity": {
// required
"version": 3, // recommended version is 3
// urls
"fragmentShaderURL": "", // for frag
"vertexShaderURL": "", // for vertex
"shaderUrl": "", // deprecated but better supported
// optional
"channels": [], // string array with maximum of 4 urls
"uniforms": {
// map of uniform keys that will be used in the shader
"myFloat": 0.5,
"myVec3": [1, 0, 0]
Shader on a model¶
- Create a material entity and set the url to
- Make sure to set the parent id of the material entity to the model's entity id
- Scroll down and update the material data json accordingly
"materials": {
"model": "hifi_shader_simple", // is required
"procedural": {
// same as above e.g. shaderUrl, version
Functions and variables¶
These are all the available things when you use version 3 which is most recommended
// from the uniforms map in the json
uniform float myCustomNumber = 10;
uniform vec3 myCustomColor = vec3(1,0,0);
// these are the values you have access to in getProceduralFragment
// do not copy and paste this into your file
struct ProceduralFragment {
vec3 normal;
vec3 diffuse;
vec3 specular;
vec3 emissive;
float alpha;
float roughness;
float metallic;
float occlusion;
float scattering;
bool unlit;
// this function is required when you specify version 3
float getProceduralFragment(inout ProceduralFragment frag) {
// seconds from 0 when the entity has been loaded
float time = iGlobalTime;
vec4 screenCoords = _positionES; // (eye) screen coords
vec4 coords = _positionMS; // model coords
// _position is available in "shaderUrl"
vec2 texCoords = _texCoord01;
vec3 worldScale = iWorldScale;
vec3 worldPosition = iWorldPosition;
mat4 worldOrientation = iWorldOrientation; // used with inverse usually
vec3 worldEyePos = getEyeWorldPos(); // exact camera position
// get rgba with uv from texture iChannel0 up to 3
vec4 color = texture(iChannel0, vec2(0,0));
// dont forget to modify frag before the function returns
frag.diffuse = color.rgb;
discard; // this will discard the pixel and render through it
return 0;
// other values that aren't used often
// iDate
// iLocalCreatedTime
// iEntityTime
// iFrameCount
// iChannelResolution
// struct used in getProceduralVertex. don't need to copy into your shader
struct ProceduralVertexData {
vec4 position;
vec4 nonSkinnedPosition; // input only
vec3 normal;
vec3 nonSkinnedNormal; // input only
vec3 tangent; // input only
vec3 nonSkinnedTangent; // input only
vec4 color;
vec2 texCoord0;
// this function is required when you want to make a vertex shader
void getProceduralVertex(inout ProceduralVertexData vert) {
// edit any of the values in vert!
Last update: December 20, 2020